The Jomsvikings are the only pagan holy order in which the religion does not have to be reformed for the holy order to be accessed.Buy Crusader Kings II: Imperial Collection The semi-legendary Jomsvikings were said to have fought as mercenaries for Christian rulers as well as Pagans, despite the leader, Palnatoke, being a staunch defender of Paganism and "the old ways." To do this give them a title then ask them to be your vassal. They will only fight against infidels and heretics, they will not take part in a battle against a Reformed Norse ruler.īy granting the order a province that you control (As King, Emperor, etc) you can recruit them at less than 10 piety. They can be hired with piety by any ruler of the Norse faith (pagan if not reformed yet), and can be used for free if defending against non-Norse rulers.

They will form by asking to build a castle in one of the provinces in the Duchy of Mecklenburg if the province is ruled by a character of the Norse faith (unreformed and reformed pagan) and the year is after 920.

The Jomsvikings are the only Norse holy order in-game.